
"Fully representative of the current brand of Republican politics"

14 House GOP members just revealed themselves as modern segregationists

These 14 come from a long tradition of legislators standing in the way of justice and progress. In the 1950's they would've stood in the way of integrated schools. In the 1960's they would've voted against civil rights. They are today's George Wallaces.

True enough, but until Richard Nixon's presidential campaign in the late 1960's, following on Lyndon Johnson's signing civil rights legislation, all the hard-core segregationists in the South were, enthusiastically, Democrats.

George Wallace was a Democrat.

So were Herman Talmadge, Orville Faubus, Huey Long, Lester Maddox, and just about every other southern politician, not to mention every sheet-clad devotee of the KKK. Democrats.

This may seem like a long time ago to you, but to me it seems more like last week.

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