
We are shocked…shocked!

Many Likely Skipped Massachusetts Travel Form, Records Show

Filing the electronic form was previously mandatory for anyone coming from a state with higher rates of COVID-19 transmission.

“If people know there’s not rigorous enforcement of that, they may be less inclined to worry about it,” Hamer said.

No kidding. Sort of like the speed limits. Sort of like that law that says if one buys certain things in a neighboring state with no sales tax, one must pay sales tax to this state when bringing it home.

(For the record, I have never bought anything in said neighboring state, of course.)

All those rules (they weren't just here) about people traveling from state to state during the pandemic were/are stupid and likely (should be) illegal as well.

There's been a lot of angst recently about people losing faith in the institutions of government; these are some of the reasons why.

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