
Ain't easy being perfect…or even writing a story about it

From the Associated Press this morning: 

Biden boosts US vaccine stockpile as world waits

“We want to be oversupplied and overprepared,” White House press secretary Jen Psaki said Wednesday
The story goes on to report Russia and China practicing "vaccine diplomacy" by donating massive portions of their own vaccine supply to other countries beset by shortages.
Meanwhile, Russia and China, whose leaders don’t face voters in free and fair elections, have used their domestically produced shots for strategic leverage.
Which opens up a whole new can of worms.

If we held a free and fair (to use the AP description) election today on "should we vaccinate ourselves first or send some of our vaccine to Yemen (or any other country of your choice)," how would it turn out. How would the same election turn out in Russia or China? How about in Yemen?

And don't even ask about "leaders facing voters."

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