
Bet on it, but not too much

Push to reopen economy runs up against workers and consumers worried about risk - The Washington Post

Plans for a swift reopening of malls, factories and other businesses accelerated Tuesday, but they quickly collided with the reality that persuading workers and consumers to overlook their coronavirus fears and resume their roles in powering the U.S. economy may prove difficult.

The bet is that once this period of self-isolation is over there will remain some number, hopefully small, of people who will have been so afraid they will never leave the confines of their home again. Ever.

You may also bet on the Trump's assertion the economic recovery will be rapid and emphatically huge, as measured by stock market gains and other indicators favored in Washington. But it's likely to be much different for the mope on Main Street who just needs a buck to stuff in the coffee machine.

Can you spell "income disparity"?

Yes, I thought you could.

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