
Lost in the political babble of the times

If you could forget the $125 from Equifax and just take the free credit monitoring, that would be great – FTC • The Register

Millions of people whose personal information was compromised by the hacking of Equifax, a credit rating company, two years ago were promised, in recompense, $125 each or, if they preferred — prepare to be delighted here — a year or two of free credit monitoring service from, well, Equifax. Said millions of people quite sensibly did not prefer. In fact so many did not prefer that the cash settlement imposed by the Federal Trade Commission, divided by said millions, is now worth not $125 each but $0.21.

That's right. Less than two bits.

"And so for all of you that heard about the $125 you could get from Equifax for splashing your personal details all over the internet, guess what? You've been screwed again."

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