
Do you ever have days when you feel surrounded?

I do. These Earthlings seem to be everywhere. For instance, here's a puff piece in the New York Post about the wonders of a package deliverybot being developed by Ford for deployment on an also-Ford-built self-driving van:

Ford commercial reveals our surreal robot-assisted future


And at the end of this piece is an amusing bit of future-think by some company big shot named Washington, to wit:

Since self-driving vehicles can potentially move people and goods simultaneously, they hold great potential to make deliveries even more convenient and efficient. A ride-hailing trip could double as a delivery service, dropping off packages in between transporting passengers.

Really? Why couldn't a human-driven vehicle do that job just as well as a self-driven one? Hint: It could. Unless, of course, you consider the human involved needs to sleep and eat.

Human-driven ships, trains, and airplanes have been delivering people and cargo simultaneously for more or less ever. Automobiles too (ever been to the grocery store?). Even an Earthling should know that.

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