
My eyes just don't want to be open today…

…something about pollen flying around in unusually great profusion making them all itchy. I have had enough of nature for this month and hope there's less of it in July.

Furthermore, grumpiness. Yesterday I read in the Washington Post the most astonishingly illiterate statement I had ever encountered in the public print, this in a story about deficiencies in Germany's military (helicopters won't fly, guns won't shoot, submarines won't sub, that sort of thing). It was written by one Griff Witte, the Post's Berlin bureau chief, who attributed that country's sad state of martial affairs in part to a "historically rooted aversion to military might."

Read that again. "Historically rooted aversion to military might." Here is a statement that can only be true if one believes history begins in 1945, and it does not. It begins in 1938, which leaves us plenty of time for blitzkrieg.

All of which became moot by mid-morning today when Reuters quoted a guy named Dennis Hof, a Nevada strip-club and brothel owner contending for a seat in the Nevada legislature (and touted to win), as claiming Donald Trump is "the Christoper Columbus of honest politics." Upack that one if you will.

Nitwittery has reached an astonishing new high.

I believe I will become the  Christopher Columbus of naps after lunch.

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