
Now, now, kids, settle down

FBI wants to know how long CIA knew about security breach | New York Post

“…and the White House said Wednesday that President Trump was “extremely concerned” about the stunning security breach."

Have you been following this story? It’s getting really good! It says here in the NY Post:

"It also emerged that the CIA learned late last year that its hacking operations had been compromised, but didn’t know the material would be made public until nearly 9,000 pages popped up Tuesday on the WikiLeaks website."

Yep, the italics are mine. And what’s more, "WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange says his group will work with technology companies to help defend them against the Central Intelligence Agency’s hacking tools” and he can get you a really good price on a bridge in Brooklyn, too. What a guy!

I can’t wait till the FBI gets to the bottom of this.

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