
What, stealing all the CDs is not enough for them?

How China uses Shakespeare to promote its own bard | The Economist

That’s right. China’s trying to horn in on Shakespeare by promoting their own playwright, a guy named Tang after the famous powdered orangy space drink, who wrote four plays (none of them especially quotable, the Economist notes) and died the same year Shakespeare did. We think it will not be long before The Donald gets those pesky Chinese straightened out and brings Shakespeare back to the good old USA, where he belongs. 

The Donald is already making great strides toward regreatizing the USA by getting the New York Times to run pro-CIA op-eds (Trump’s Dangerous Anti-C.I.A. Crusade), and realize those Tea Party jokes aren’t jokes (The Tea Party and the Art of the Mean Joke).

And the entire city of Washington, D.C., says Maureen Dowd, is suffering pre-traumatic stress disorder.

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