
Count me in

A Cheese Glut Is Overtaking America - WSJ

"America has built up a glut of cheese so big that every person in the country would need to eat an extra 3 pounds this year to work it off."

And here’s a little educational thing as an extra bonus.

"Commodities markets frequently swing from boom to bust because of the long lead time for ramping up new supply. Decisions to expand herds of beef and dairy cattle have to be made far in advance, reflecting a cow’s nine-month pregnancy and the year or more it takes for a calf to mature."

Which reminds me, I need to find a restaurant that makes really good cheesy melty grilled cheese sandwiches soon. I like grilled cheese sandwiches. But this oh so healthy whole grain bread I’ve been eating is horrible for making them. 

I can’t bring myself to think about any more.

But there must be some restaurant that will make me one, right? Let’s hope.

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