
How many times do we have to talk about this, people?

Here's a piece from Fox News about a Romanian hacker who claims to have broken in to Hillary Clinton's email and the email of 50% of all the Secretaries of State before her who used private email servers—namely, Colin Powell—by guessing their passwords after reading their biographies. No kidding.

Please. It's the 21st Century. It's time the people who run the government at least begin to get some grip on how the world works. Minimal gripis that too much to ask? 
And you too. I know a guy who complains about the government spying on him but still uses the name of his pet canary as his password. (OK, just kidding about the canary—it's his dog.) Cut it out with this stuff. Use good passwords. It may be a pain but it's still the best defense you've got.

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