
Follow the money

How ‘Citizens United’ is helping Hillary Clinton win the White House | Center for Public Integrity

“ A Center for Public Integrity investigation reveals that Clinton’s own election efforts are largely immune from her reformist platform. While Clinton rails against 'unaccountable money' that is 'corrupting our political system,' corporations, unions and nonprofits bankrolled by unknown donors have already poured millions of dollars into a network of Clinton-boosting political organizations. That’s on top of the tens of millions an elite club of Democratic megadonors, including billionaires George Soros and Haim Saban, have contributed."

And in a companion piece, here, Center of Public Integrity investigators name the main players in this money game. 

"They come in a variety of organizational flavors: political action committees, super PACs, corporate entities, “social welfare” nonprofits — even 501(c)(3) nonprofits, best known for performing charitable or educational work."

Clinton says she’ll fix all this, naturellement, as soon as she gets elected.

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