
Best piece yet on the Trump dump race

Retire the Notion That Trump Hijacked the GOP -- NYMag

"Once you get past the hyperventilation that Trump will destroy democracy, wreck the GOP, and make America unsafe, you’ll see that the objections of Trump’s Establishment critics have several common threads. Trump is a vulgarian (true). He has no fixed ideology or coherent policy portfolio (true). He repeatedly and brazenly makes things up (true). He wantonly changes his views (true). He is not recognizable as “a real Republican” (false)."

This is a longish read, but emphatically worth the time. 

And also, has New Coke ever had a better year for publicity? Maybe it’s the drink of the future after all. First Jeb! gets himself compared to that ill-fated beverage (see below somewhere), and now:

"The Establishment’s prize creation, Marco Rubio — a bot candidate programmed with patriotic Reaganisms, unreconstructed Bush-Cheney foreign-policy truculence, a slick television vibe, and a dash of ethnicity — was the biggest product flop to be marketed by America’s Fortune 500 stratum since New Coke."

Get a six-pack today, just for the memories.

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