
All that hot air from Colorado last night…

…blew straight across the country, it seems, and wound up here early this morning. So instead of the low-50s highs we'd grown accustomed to this month we're seeing a bright, sunny, balmy 72° day now. It'll blow on out of here this evening, presumably on toward France, where they only have to work three days a week and therefore can enjoy it more.

Yes, we watched the show, and it was swell—a whole corps of excellent jugglers, a disappearing man (looking at you, Jeb!) a big guy able to hold up an even bigger bridge, a Buckeye, and clowns.

Also, a "debate." The losers were CNBC and anybody not named Rubio or Cruz. Well, and the clowns. Nobody knows about the clowns because what happens in clownworld just stays there.

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