
More bigotry is just what we need, says the Heritage Foundation

33 Policies Obama Should Talk About in State of the Union 2015

"Protect religious liberty in the marriage debate. Obama himself said that there are people of goodwill on both sides of the marriage debate, people he respects. The government should respect them too. So Obama should support the Marriage and Religious Freedom Act, which prohibits the government from discriminating against any individual or group, whether nonprofit or for-profit, based on their beliefs that marriage is the union of a man and woman or that sexual relations are reserved for marriage. The government should be prohibited from discriminating against such groups or individuals in tax policy, employment, licensing, accreditation or contracting."

But we are not worried because, as a commentor points out, “[Obama] is a despotic islamist dictator who is going to do whatever he wants while he is still in office."

Or wait, maybe we are worried.

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