
Here's one of the things I don't understand

Obama's NSA Reforms Are Going to Tick Off Everyone | Mother Jones

If Obama Allows the NSA to Continue Hacking Internet Encryption…
Who gets mad? Tech geeks, Lavabit, Google engineers, and journalists

OK, maybe I do. As long as the NSA or anybody is believed capable of breaking internet encryption all the companies who sell “secure” services look pretty dumb. But do the assembled tech geeks and engineers really want to base their claim of privacy on the President, of all people, saying no fair peeking? Really? That’s the plan?

If the NSA is really hacking internet encryption that just means internet encryption is hackable (in other words, not so safe after all) and by the way, who knows who else is hacking it too? 

If internet encryption can be hacked somebody, somewhere, some time, NSA or not, will. 

A lot of tech geeks and internet engineers argue that hacking is a valuable activity because good “white hat” hackers (sometimes called researchers) reveal security weaknesses which can then be fixed. How does that not work here too?

Possibly we should just rename the National Security Agency the National Research Agency and call it a win.

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