
Down to the sea in hawks

Americans strongly back Broncos - Public Policy Polling

"In a time when Americans are divided about many things, pulling for the Broncos brings people together across lines that usually separate them. Liberals, conservatives, men, women, whites, African Americans, Democrats, Republicans, Latinos, and voters young and old are all cheering for Denver to win on Sunday."

Which means, clearly, as you would know if you have spent any time at all reading this blog, we are supporting the Seahawks here (and wouldn’t dare otherwise) although it’s true we have never been much for sports teams named after birds (except Blackhawks, of course, who are really not named after a bird anyway but after a guy named after a bird). And who cares about polls?

Go Seahawks. (And we are arranging a little patch of warmer weather for the game, as well.)

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