
So then, just making the whole thing up?

WASHINGTON—The Obama administration called government review of complete phone records of U.S. customers a "critical tool" in protecting the public from terrorists. 
The information "allows counterterrorism personnel to discover whether known or suspected terrorists have been in contact with other persons who may be engaged in terrorist activities, particularly people located inside the United States," a senior Obama administration official said Thursday. The official stopped short of confirming the practice
Wall Street Journal
Oh yeah, this is gonna be a terrific summer series. One of the most amusing things about it is that some of the people (we're not naming names here) who are screaming loudest about invasion of privacy are the very same who, only a few days ago, were loudly wondering why the intelligence services weren't listening in to conversations between the Boston Marathon bombers and their mother, no less (we should be more like the Russians!)—and dude, this is just the first revolution of that particular wheel. Also we appreciate the technique, pioneered by the Bushies, of slipping stories to the American press by getting them published in English papers (if these guys worked for Apple they'd be tax accountants).

And there seems to be some confusion about what business, exactly, Verizon is in, hinting at many more fun episodes yet to come.

We're doubling our popcorn order now.

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