

Today, the United States has less equality of opportunity than almost any other advanced industrial country. Study after study has exposed the myth that America is a land of opportunity. This is especially tragic: While Americans may differ on the desirability of equality of outcomes, there is near-universal consensus that inequality of opportunity is indefensible. The Pew Research Center has found that some 90 percent of Americans believe that the government should do everything it can to ensure equality of opportunity.
Writing in the Times yesterday Steiglitz follows this observation by arguing for more and better education, may be a good idea and maybe not so much. He seems to favor, for example, making that period after high school we now call higher education public and free (probably good) and also shoving the kiddies sooner into more rigorous schools (most likely not so good).

No doubt we will just have to wait and see. But it occurs to me that those who argue for more education as a solution to all societies ills are themselves highly educated and well off (they assume) because of it. And yes I know that last sentence is a little bit ambiguous: Deal with it.

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