
You can't argue with success

Pat Robertson’s CBN suggests God moved hurricane to protect Republicans | The Raw Story

The religious lifestyle show hosted by televangelist Pat Robertson on Monday suggested that Christians in Florida had convinced God to move soon-to-be Hurricane Isaac away from Tampa, Florida to protect Republicans.…

“We have had lots and lots of people praying around the clock that it would move,” Rev. Jesten Peters explained. “And if you watch from the very beginning where they were saying it was coming up and now where they’re saying it’s going, then it’s really moved a lot for us, and we appreciate God doing that and moving it for us.”

Where it's going is New Orleans, of course, so sort of a win-win.

The R's these days seem to be about as fragmented and screwed up as the D's were back in the late 60's. This might be a good thing if the D's didn't have a candidate running somewhere to the right of Nixon. But as things stand, it's sort of a lose-lose.

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