

There is a patch of blue sky up there, but not enough to make a Dutchman's trousers. So of course it will rain in just a while. Meanwhile, however, it is an excellent air-conditioned day – 68, a slight breeze, no direct sun – and so downtown to get a chili dog from the vendor there. This guy's dogs would get laughed off even the meanest block in Chicago, but he is the only street vendor in town of any kind. One takes what one can get. Besides, there is something grand about strolling along on a perfect summer day munching a hot dog. As luck would have it, just as I finished my dog I was passing a Wendy's (well, the Wendy's) and so I stopped in there for a bag of delicious fries. This broke all my dietary resolutions. Yet I do not regret it (I do not regret it yet).

It is raining now.

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