
No and yes

After browsing the Sunday papers I feel compelled to post notice here I am supremely uninterested in what Mitt did or did not do with a pair of scissors 50 years ago. I am not much interested in anything that happened 50 years ago, and I am interested in Mitt even less.

What happened 500 years ago, though, can be fascinating, as witness this piece by Hilary Mantel about Anne Boleyn, the infamous Boleyn girl who married into the Tudor family, gave birth to Elizabeth, the future I, and lost her head over the whole affair. Mantel's novel about Thomas Cromwell, Wolf Hall, recounts part of the Anne Boleyn story ending, as it does, shortly after Elizabeth's birth. Her second novel in this series, Bring Up the Bodies (an ominous title, sure, but hey, we do know how this story ends), continues where Wolf Hall left off. 

We have just begun reading Bring Up the Bodies; it'll be a while, but you can pretty much bet it'll be the next book on the list.

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