
The marvelous

Isn't it "marvelous?" Obama seeks to define Romney for voters - Yahoo! News

Obama's riff on Romney's use of the word "marvelous" to describe Representative Paul Ryan's budget plans carried a subtle message.

"It's a word you kind of associate with the upper class, and I think that the intention was to tweak Romney for being wealthy and, you know, sort of brought up in the kinds of circles where they would say ‘marvelous,'" said Kenneth Sherrill, a political science expert at New York's Hunter College.

It's going to be like this until November, isn't it—some guys we're supposed to be considering for one of the most powerful jobs in the world acting like a bunch of 4th-graders at recess, calling each other names and flinging mud. Hundreds of millions of dollars worth of mud. 

Ain't that marvelous.

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