
Shut up!

2nd Mayor Says Obama ‘Wasn’t Tense At All’ During Brewer Encounter | TPMMuckraker

Out of the three officials who met President Obama on an airport tarmac near Phoenix earlier this week, Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer (R) is now the only one who has characterized the president as anything other than cordial.…

This story is an even bigger waste of perfectly good pixels than the R show, which, now that you mention it—OK, I guess I mentioned it, but anyway—I watched again last night. It's January. What else is there to do? Newt really needs to cut back on his meds a little, and the troll needs to learn another line. That little Ricky needs to go home and count his kids. And—sorry, Mittens—I will never vote for a guy who says "spot on." We speak English here. (OMG, it's rubbing off!)

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