
Hightower on "Prince" Rick Perry

A Perry Tale about the Prince of Privilege | NationofChange

Strangely, this pranc­ing prince of priv­i­lege would not be where he is with­out the steady “in­tru­sion” of big gov­ern­ment into his life. From el­e­men­tary school through col­lege, his ed­u­ca­tion was paid for by local, state, and fed­eral tax­pay­ers. Also, as cot­ton farm­ers, he and his fam­ily were sup­ported with thou­sands of dol­lars in crop sub­si­dies from the pock­ets of na­tional tax­pay­ers.

Then, after a brief stint as a gov­ern­ment-paid Air Force trans­port pilot, the per­fid­i­ous prince hit the mother lode of gov­ern­ment largesse: po­lit­i­cal of­fice, where he’s been for 27 years and count­ing. In ad­di­tion to draw­ing more than a quar­ter-cen­tury’s worth of monthly pay­checks from Texas tax­pay­ers, Prince Rick also re­ceives full health cov­er­age and a gen­er­ous pen­sion from the state, plus $10,000 a month to rent a lux­ury home, a flock of per­sonal aides, and even a state-paid sub­scrip­tion to Food & Wine mag­a­zine.


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