
So there really are parallel universes, it turns out

How else to explain this from Friedman?

A Theory of Everyting (Sort of) - NYTimes.com

Not only does it take more skill to get a good job, but for those who are unable to raise their games, governments no longer can afford generous welfare support or cheap credit to be used to buy a home for nothing down — which created a lot of manual labor in construction and retail. Alas, for the 50 years after World War II, to be a president, mayor, governor or university president meant, more often than not, giving things away to people. Today, it means taking things away from people.

And, in the 50 years after WWII, why did I not run into one of those presidents, mayors, governors, or university presidents hell bent on giving things away? Clearly, I've been living in the wrong dimension.

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