
Our Memorial Day book...

...is "The Sojourn,"  a short, stark novel about World War One by Andrew Krivak (here from Barnes & Noble and also available, no doubt, from Amazon and elsewhere). Krivak belongs, says a reviewer for Library Journal, on the same shelf with Remarque and Hemingway where war (or, as the case may be, anti-war, since "The Sojourn" is hardly brimming with fanfares and bright parades) stories are concerned, to which I can only add Stephen Crane. It will appear on our list in a few days.

Meanwhile, tomorrow's temperature here is scheduled to hit 90 for a one-day stand before sliding back toward the mid-70's by the end of next week; a perfect forecast, I say, for the first day of a summer that isn't summer yet. There will be a small parade, maybe ice cream. And we will not expect to see another wool sweater for quite some time.

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