
Finally, a way to get rid of that Christmas fruitcake

You can get BP to chuck it into the oil gusher! At least you can if you can give good form.

"We'd like you to share your ideas on how to stop or contain the oil spill and mitigate the impact on the environment," Valdez [yes! Bill Valdez is the acting director of the Department of Energy's small-business office, and what an incredibly outstanding name is that?] wrote. "The Deepwater Horizon Response has an online form available to collect suggestions here: http://www.horizonedocs.com/artform.php.

(Read more)

I was thinking about all this (yes, I was) when I went out for a walk this morning (breaking all the rules today) and that got me wondering just how many automobiles there are in the U.S. so I asked Bing (yeah, you just talk into the phone - and Google works the same way) and Bing turned up a Wikipedia page, which explains as follows:

According to the US Bureau of Transit Statistics for 2006 there are 250,844,644 registered passenger vehicles in the US. Out of these roughly 251 million vehicles, 135,399,945 were classified as automobiles, while 99,124,775 were classified as "Other 2 axle, 4 tire vehicles," presumably SUVs and pick-up trucks. Yet another 6,649,337 were classified as vehicles with 2 axles and 6 tires and 2,169,670 were classified as "Truck, combination." There were approximately 6,686,147 motorcycles in the US in 2006.

(...and so forth)

I don't know what part of oil consumption motor vehicles account for but it's got to be quite a bit. So imagine what would happen if everybody in the U.S. went one day - ideally, all the same day - just one day without driving.

What, I sound like some kind of hippie now? Well don't worry, it won't last. And anyway, it would never happen.

Still...if it did...you'd probably be able to hear your iPod on the street.

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