
Oh yes yes damn YES

Soooo good. Once again, it turns out that if you bang on something long enough eventually it gives up. On the 34 bazillionth try, Parallels succeeded in converting a virtual machine from VMware and now I have Vista ticking away on my MacBook. And I don't even like running Vista but hey, if it's there. I use windows to run a reference copy of Office 2007 and also Open Office - I want to play around with Open Office a little more and I figure I might as well do it in its Windows version (it's available also to run natively on Macs) - and, at the moment, Google's new web browser, Chrome, which is not available on Macs yet. And that's about all.

(Also I run Ubuntu on my Mac, which is about the most useless thing I can imagine - running Linux on OS X - but it's an especially easy install, Ubuntu is, and a very slick implementation of Linux, so why not.)

If you're interested in Open Office, BTW, you can set it up (on the Tools menu, under Options, then Load and Save) to automatically read MS Office files and save to MS Office formats by default. Saving with those settings produces a warning about features not being supported, blah blah: Ignore it. And there you go. Open Office is definitely ready for prime time and, and so if you want to escape from the awfulness of Office 2007 and do it free - yes, Bunky, I said free - Open Office is the way to go. (It's here.)

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