
Guess who

Noted by our Midwest bureau:

It was his administration that was responsible for the faulty intelligence; his administration that notoriously "stove-piped" the available evidence to make the case for war, ignoring all facts that contradicted the neocons' theories, crushing any dissent in the Pentagon and intelligence establishment. His administration then sold that corrupt evidence to Congress and browbeat members into authorizing the use of military force on the eve of the 2002 midterm election, by depicting them as traitors and sissies if they raised questions. Now Bush is trying to say he was misled by the "failure" of his own intelligence leaders and Cabinet advisors? What a loser.

[From The buck stops where? - Joan Walsh - Salon.com]

The good news is, Bunky, all this - maybe soon - will end. The bad news is, no matter who you are, it will end badly.

What a loser, indeed.

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