
Bumps in my sock

One of those days. Yeah, you know what I mean. No matter how carefully you put on the shoe, one of your socks gets all lumpy on the bottom. Like that. That's the kind of day it is. Also it's supposed to rain. And get dark at an unholy hour.

Meanwhile I'm reading in the Trib how John McCain is running around campaigning with a lucky penny in his pocket. Apparently the lucky $700 billion isn't working so well. Also he wears a lucky sweater. It used to be green until he lost in Michigan, and now it's blue. The Trib does not make clear whether this means he changed sweaters or whether the old green one turned blue before our very eyes.

Meanwhile, quoted in the Boston Globe , a political scientist from the University of Richmond in Virginia named Dan Palazzolo (which sounds sort of like a depression-era Broadway show) sums up the Obama campaign: "He crafted a message of change, broadly speaking, and he has been able to essentially fold almost anything underneath that concept."

Maybe I should try changing my socks.

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