
Life is full of surprises

MIAMI — The federal government is showering households with tax rebates to spur spending and invigorate a troubled economy. But many Americans are so consumed with debt and the soaring price of gasoline that they are opting to save the money or use it to pay bills, according to surveys, sales data and interviews with people from Florida to California.

[From Consumers Lean on Rebate Checks for Bills and Gas - NYTimes.com]


...e... said...

i would say that too, were i polled, but perhaps they're not so dumb after all. as we're mostly used to a level of debt, although we may be horrified by our balances it takes some while for that horror to trickle down to action. all good intentions notwithstanding, i'm betting a good deal of that money will be neither saved not repaid, but is instead already spent on the wish list. i know whereof i speak, as my stimlulous rebate "bought" several jackets worth of yarn plus a good deal of stash enhancement, slipcovers for the armchairs, a chandelier to replace the bedroom fan not working for more than two years, a new tv antenna to adapt to the new converter box, some long postponed car maintenance, new printer toner, a couple of robots, a donation or two, etc. etc. AND it's been stimulatung such purchases ever since it was announced several months ago, only ceasing any day now, just after i actually received it.

Ted Compton said...

A couple of robots? A couple? OK, come on, what's the other one?