
And who, after all, would you trust more as "reformers" than Republicans?

The better strategy [for Republican candidates] is to offer a reform agenda of their own...

[From The Republican Panic - WSJ.com]


...e... said...

here's a reform for you:

"A spokesman for Republican John McCain, who opposes gay marriage, said the Arizona senator "doesn't believe judges should be making these decisions."

that would be decisions about law, judges shouldn't be making: "In its 4-3 ruling, the Republican-dominated high court struck down state laws against same-sex marriage and said domestic partnerships that provide many of the rights and benefits of matrimony are not enough."

judges shouldn't be making law decisions. we should leave such things up to ice cream vendors and air conditioning duct repairmen, i guess. test pilots. conceptual artists. judges? paah. why don't they just stick to american idol, where they belong?

Ted Compton said...

These guys do seem to be a little hazy on the whole law thing, true. But that's no reason to bash American Idol. I mean, it's bad but it's not that bad.

Wait. On second thought....