
Wanna hear a dirty story?

A little girl fell in a mud puddle. (Thanks, Russ.)

Now that's also big medical news, according to a story this morning from Channel 4, Belfast. According to Channel 4, researchers have found a bacteria in soil that stimulates the human brain to produce seratonin, a mood enhancer used in anti-depressant drugs. Bristol University's Dr. Chris Lowry says the discovery the study's results have something to do with mental health, blah blah blah.
"They also leave us wondering if we shouldn't all spend more time playing in the dirt.

"This soil, which carries the bacteria, is pretty ubiquitous and is found almost anywhere."

Notes Channel 4:
The study appears to support the "hygiene hypothesis" which argues a rise in conditions like asthma and allergies could be linked to a lack of exposure to various micro-organisms.

The emphasis on cleaning and hygiene, particularly in urban Western environments, could be affecting people's immune systems, according to the theory.

So let's get dirty, baby. Woohoo!

Link: Channel4.com

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