
And up yours too, not really a doctor Frist.

Bill Frist, M.D.:
When the camp first opened, most of the medical care involved treating wounds received on the battlefield — for example, the detainees have received 22 prosthetics. But those wounds have healed, so much of the medical care has now shifted to include preventive medicine, full immunizations, and screening for cancer. Sixteen colonoscopies have been performed at the facility. Many of the detainees are receiving dental care for the first time in their lives. The ratio of health personnel to detainees is a remarkably high 1:4. I think it's fair to say that the medical care they receive at Guantanamo is far better than any they received at home.
You've gotta love it when getting a colonoscopy is considered a benchmark of your good treatment, don't you?

Frist, who identifies himself on his Senate web site as Bill Frist, M.D. but is, in reality, Bill Frist, Pretend M.D. - also claims in his "reflections" detainees at Gitmo receive health care "better than many Americans," which means either he's lying or he - and all the rest of the congressbimbos he hangs out with - has failed in his job. Or both.

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