
Oh, bats

Workers have been installing windows in the house for the last two days, which means windows have been open a lot, which means, not surprising around here, I woke up with a bat flying around my bedroom last night. This, in some parts of the country, you should know, is bad news. It may even require shots for rabies. Check with your local bat person if it happens to you.

But where I live we have well-mannered commie pinko liberal brown bats that don't bite people, so no worries there. The thing to do when you get a liberal bat in your bedroom at night is just open a window, leave the room, close the door, and wait. The reason for the closed door is to keep you from bothering the bat, who is only trying to get out of your house. Bats go out at night to feed. They eat huge amounts of flying insects, many of whose names are spelled "mosquito," which is a good thing. The bat in your bedroom is just lost. As soon as it finds the open window it'll be gone.

Last night it took five minutes, max. There were windows open again today (in the daytime bats come in and look for a place to crash) so there may be another batty (but not bloodsucking) visitor tonight. The window installing is done now, however, and the new windows work great. It's all fine.

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